I have been (mentally) compiling a list of movies that can be viewed for purely aesthetic merits; Something's Gotta Give, Gosford Park, etc. This one looks like it will top the list. Not just on set, lights, and costumes, but also because of a bespectacled Colin Firth and Julianne Moore's hair. But what else might one expect from director Tom Ford? Yes, THAT Tom Ford...

1. Find a kindred soul,
2. The rest just happens.

Sometimes it is getting a stomach ache from eating every flavor of macaroon, sometimes it is spending all afternoon at the junk store, sometimes it is lingering over lunch so long that you end up ordering dinner as well. The circumstances may change, but you only need two people who think alike in order to have a wonderful friendship.

Happy Birthday, Whit!

I have spent my first week in LA...here are my findings:

(in no particular order, except for particularly ordered lists)

I hope the academic part of UCLA is up to par with the scenery. It is such a lovely campus and very walkable from my charming neighborhood. I also hope the academic part masterfully succeeds the low standards of the administration. I have never before had to deal with such incompetence and difficulty (this includes the time that I had to deal with thousands upon thousands of dollars with my HMO). UCLA suddenly has no record of my full-tuition scholarship. Of course, the financial aid office does make appointments during the first few weeks of school so it has been difficult to get anyone who knows what they are talking about, to talk about it with me. Basically, I just had to take out a bunch of last minute student loans and but the rest on my credit card. I "believe" that they will sort it out later.

My studio is working out fine. It has freeway noise and is rather dark inside but I don't really expect company and it is something that I can deal with...with a bunch of lamps and my ipod.

I cannot find the cord that connects my camera to my laptop...so that's why I don't have any photos yet. But I promise to post some soon.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why I have brought so much stuff with me...I am sure that I have at least 100 books with me. I hope this is good practice for Rome...

I am doing a lot of scheming about how my life is going to work out when I come back from Italy. I will be doing a lot of research about some internship programs for next summer and see what kind of special treatment I can finagle...a little enthusiasm goes a long way!

They boys that I used to babysit, arrived at UCLA for their freshman and junior years...they are SUPER shy so I really doubt I will see much of them. But I sure will pester them by trying!

The two most hyped TV shows in LA right now are Dexter and Californication. I make this judgment based on the number of billboard, bus stop, and actual bus ads. Dexter is the hands-down winner. Farther down the line is Cougar Town with Courteney Cox and Melrose Place with such witticisms as "Tuesday is the new Humpday" or "Tuesdays are a bitch" as the MP subtitle...apparently, subtlety is not what the show is aiming for. But these ads are somewhat effective. While not inducing me to watch a show I don't already watch, I did think that it was time I caught up with Californication...and it made me wonder why Courteney Cox dropped Arquette from her name.

Okay, enough boring updates for now...next week expect COLOR! As in photos...and news about classes.

So...I was cleaning out my closet and I was waiting for my little helper (Jessie) to come over and help me. I took all my clothes and put them on the bed. I thought it would be really funny to hide in the clothes and then jump out and scare her when she walked in the door. She texted me to let me know that she was leaving and I climbed into bed and covered myself with clothing. I woke up about an hour later...
Finally, when she showed up she took this photo.

Okay, so she isn't very punctual. But sometimes I need moral support when tackling a project like clothing. Because I am often destracted...like when I came across this skirt which I have never worn.
One reason I have never worn it is because it is almost as tall as I am. As you can see, I am standing on a stool just to try it on!
It is a handmade Sybil Connolly skirt in a shamrock green made of yards and yards of fine handkerchief linen pleated and pintucked to perfection. Sadly, not much is written about Connolly who revitalized the Irish handcraft industry by employing women to make lace, sweaters, and these amazing pleats for her designs. She is most famous for designing the linen dress that Jackie Kennedy wore in her White House portrait. Someday I'll have someplace to wear it. Until then, it remains unhemmed in my closet for me to try on with fiesta flowers as a slight destraction...