This week I have been a tad...exhausted. Monday came up awful fast. So I'm going to bypass my typical decor theme and blog a few randoms:

Want Versus Need:

I am currently trying to balance what I want vs. what I need...

The heels from Pour La Victoire (above)

and Pierre Hardy (below) perfectly illustrate my dilemma:

I am slightly excited and exasperated to see this Alexander Wang silk hoodie...I sewed my own in high school and always wished I still had it.

This last photo is my late Valentine for Whit. It is a heart-shaped vintage hatbox in the window of Geminola. Posing beside it is my glass travel frog (the frog story is a whole posting in itself!). NY is covered in snow right now but I know we both wish we were in West Village finding treasures in our favorite stores. Love you much, Whit! Magnolia cupcakes tomorrow, I PROMISE.


  1. Geminola and Magnolia.....someday soon! I like the Pierre Hardy's best!

  2. The Pierre Hardy's are definately a NEED...but first I NEED $1500...

    One of my favorite design devices is the juxtaposition of a luxury material with a utilitarian material, in this case it is neoprene and patent is paired with my color weakness, Navy/Black, and slipped into my addiction of choice: SHOES!
