I'm not sure why, but Mrs. Robinson has come up a lot this week...Mrs. Robinson from the movie The Graduate.

I rarely wear leopard print, but I wore a leopard scarf this week...and someone called me Mrs. Robinson.

I was a dinner party on Sunday and my sister told the story of how our friend, Ukulele phenom Jake Shimabukuro came to a party at my house and annouced that he would play a special song that he had been working on just for me ..."Mrs. Robinson" by Simon and Garfunkle. I was (well, flattered isn't exactly the right word), but I appreciated the thought. Unfortunately, he never recorded that song so I can't post it, but here is the special song he played for my sister, Jessie. She eventually inspired him to record it and it is the title track of his last album.

I was at UCSB yesterday as a participant in a survey on Virtual Reality conducted by graduate students in the Computer Science Department, my good friend Marcus being one of them. I guess that we were supposed to be anonymous because he listed me as "Mrs. Robinson."

Today while I was at Aqua having my toes done, I picked up the new Harper's Bazaar only to find an editorial on yep, you guessed it, Mrs. Robinson as played by Helena Christiansen. Note how the leopard motif emerges on the heel of her pump...

I just can't escape from Mrs. Robinson! Not that I really want to, Anne Bancroft was a fascinating woman.

The following photo I think I took from one of Whit's blog posts. I keep this photo in my inspiration file. It is both glamorous and poignant, which is an unusual and thought-provoking combination.

And I have been known to channel a little bit of Mrs. Robinson for Halloween every now and again!

...and I do have her hair!


  1. God I adore Anne Bancroft in The Graduate. Her look is what I aspire to everyday...the smoky eye, the nude lips, the frosted hair....

  2. I thought I left a comment yesterday? Now are mine not even working?

  3. Oh Gawdddd Emily.....
